Securely Share a File in Microsoft 365 via Email

If you would like to securely share a file in O365, the best way is to first create a sharing link, then send the link in an encrypted file to the recipient.

1. Go to the MyWestern homepage and click on the Microsoft 365 icon.

M365 Link


2.  Navigate to the OneDrive, SharePoint, or Teams file you need to share.  


Choose your storage app


3. Below is an example with OneDrive. You navigate to your file and click the ... to bring up the menu.  Then click on Share.


Click on 3 dots for fly out menu


4.  Add your external recipient.  Choose the radio button "People you choose", type the email address of the recipient on the "Add another" line, set the permissions level (e.g., "Can view"), then decide if you want to block download of the file.  Hit Accept.

Choose user and sharing level


5.  A box with a link will pop up.  Copy the link.

Copy sharing link from pop up box


6. Use the link in an email to the user and encrypt your email.

Insert link into email and encrypt

7.  Send your email.

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