Safe Remote Work Practices
If you are working remotely (not on Western's campus), you will have some additional responsibilities to keep your computer and Western’s data safe. Below are some remote work computer security basics.
- Use your work computer – Your work computer is professionally maintained with regular operating system and application updates and advanced malware and adware protection software. Western maintained systems are encrypted, and if your computer is stolen, the thief cannot view your files. Also, if you must use your personal computer for work, consider protecting your confidential data by using the University’s Microsoft Office 365 environment (OneDrive, SharePoint, or Teams) or by using a University managed application such as Canvas or Banner.
- Improve your multi-factor authentication (MFA) strength. – If you are using SMS texts as your second factor, switch to using the Microsoft Authenticator App. It has a greater chance of stopping a bad actor from tricking you into performing MFA on a fake login page.
- Ensure your wireless router and network are secure – Replace the default router admin password with a strong password on your router configuration interface, and make sure your router’s firewall is active. Keep your router software patched just like your computer. Configure your wireless network to use a secure protocol. If your router supports WPA3, use this protocol. Otherwise choose WPA2. Lastly, remember that your Wi-Fi password should be strong, and that password length is the most important factor in creating strong passwords.
- Enable a screen lock on your computer - If you have other people living in your household, they could potentially view and perhaps even alter Western data if your computer is left unattended and unlocked. We suggest you use a password protected screen lock after about 15 minutes of inactivity.
- Never share accounts - If you are using a personal device for work, never allow a family member to work on your system using the same account. The better option is to use your work computer, however.
- Don’t use any personal accounts for University business - Always use your University Office 365 account for all email and document creation. Most importantly, never store any University confidential data on a personal Office 365, Google, Dropbox or other storage account.
- Ensure your computer is physically protected - Your computer should always remain in a secure place. If you are asleep or away from home, lock the room or your whole house. If you are using a mobile device, make sure it is always under your control.
Please contact the ATUS Help Desk if you have any questions!